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large plastic spatula

large plastic spatula

Regular price €5,00 EUR
Regular price €10,00 EUR Sale price €5,00 EUR
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Leaf shape: Right

Blade width (in cm) : 26

Blade material: Plastic

Handle material: Plastic

A plastic putty knife is a versatile tool used in various applications, including applying vinyl latex in tufting projects. In the context of tufting, the plastic spatula is used to spread and evenly distribute the vinyl latex over the fabric base before inserting the tufted threads.

Vinyl latex is an adhesive commonly used in the manufacture of carpets and rugs, as it helps fix the threads in place and provides stability to the final product. The plastic spatula, being flexible and having a smooth surface, allows precise distribution of the latex on the base fabric.

The tufting process involves inserting the threads through the latex applied to the base fabric and, as you progress through the project, it is important that the latex is evenly distributed to ensure the quality and durability of the final product. The plastic spatula becomes an essential tool to achieve this goal, ensuring that the latex is evenly distributed and that the tufted threads adhere properly.

In summary, the plastic spatula plays a fundamental role in the application of vinyl latex in tufting projects by allowing a uniform distribution of this adhesive over the base fabric, which contributes to the quality and strength of the finished product.

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